Winter 2004 Photos

We finally got a bit of snow this winter after having missed out in 2003. The children enjoyed playing in the snow and James even got to make a miniature snowman. Hopefully we'll get a real snow storm next year.
Small versions of some of the pictures we took are found below. You can see larger versions by clicking on any of the pictures.

 James was very enthusiastic about getting out in the snow.


 While James played in the snow Elizabeth elected to stay inside for most of the day and teach her class how to count.


 Here's James sporting his new winter hat. This year for winter we all got new hats.


 If you have snow then you have to have a snowball fight. Looks like James has the upper hand here.


 Here's James and Grant having fun together in the front yard.


 By the afternoon Elizabeth finally decided to join us in the snow.


 Here's how our house looked when we first went outside.


 Not to be left out, Cleo joined us outside where she chased the snowballs that we threw.

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