Thanksgiving 2002 Photos

We spent Thanksgiving with Grant's parents in Tampa where we started off the week with a party of friends at their house. While in Tampa we enjoyed a great Thanksgiving dinner which included Grant's cousin Patrick Bragg and his family. We also got to make another trip to the Tampa Zoo where we had fun encounters with birds, stingrays, kangaroos and a host of other animals. We had great weather, enjoyed our time there and even got to take a walk on the beach. All in all it was another fun Thansgiving in Tampa (the second in two years).
Small versions of some of the pictures we took are found below. You can see larger versions by clicking on any of the pictures.

 Jackson Parmer and Mike Hendry were two of the guests at the party that Grant's parents had for us at their house.


 Here's a group photo taken of some of the other people who came to the party, including Beelers, Parmers and Mike Hendry.


 It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without the Turkey! If you look closely you can see the nose of Cleo (Our dog) checking out the goods.


 Elizabeth, James and cousin Marina enjoying themselves after a fine Thanksgiving dinner.


 While at the Tampa Zoo James took a moment to pet one of the goats at the petting zoo.


 Elizabeth and James get to touch stingrays at the Zoo.


 Here's one of the lorakeets we saw at the Zoo.


 A lorakeet gets comfortable on Winkie's hat.


 Nancy also gets up close and personal with the birds.


 A sunset view from Davis Islands.


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